Agilent Technologies U2741A Initializing Driver Download For Windows

broken image

System: Windows XP Pro, LabVIEW 7.1, IVI Compliance Package 3.0, NI-VISA 4.1
I have an HP E4401B Spectrum Analyzer. I'm trying to write some LabVIEW code for it, using the agesani.llb library.
When I try using the agesani Initialize With Options VI, I get the following error:
Error code: BFFF0015
Source: agesani Initialize WIth Options.viDriver Status: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Primary Error: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.
I've searched the NI Knowlege Base, and haven't found anything that seems useful. What I _have_ found are the following items.
Knowlege Base article 'Time-Out Error with the Agesa Instrument Driver Example'. This refers to the agesa drivers, not the agesani drivers. It also references an E4440A spectrum analyzer, not an E4401B. The article says one cause could be that a compatibility mode other that SCPI is in use. While the articles says how to fix this on an E4440A, the fix does not appear to apply to the E4401B. In fact, if it is even _possible_ to have a mode other than SCPI on an E4401B, I can't figure out how to do it. A second possibility the article suggests is that the spectrum analyzer is in Phase Noise mode rather than Spectrum Analyzer mode. My E4401B is in SA (spectrum analyzer) mode. I don't even see a way to put it in any other mode - I don't think the required options are installed. Finally, my VI is configured as the article states - ID Query YES, Reset Device YES, etc. I should note that the instrument's GPIB address is 18, and that this matches the resource name GPIO0::18::INSTR.
Some additional information: The spectrum analyzer's screen is indicating the instrument is in Remote (R) mode as a Talker (T). A 'Query UNTERMINATED' error message appears at the bottom of the instrument screen.
I've attached the results of a NI Spy capture to this message. (At least, I think I have. I've never tried doing this before, so if it doesn't show up, would some kind soul tell me how to include an attachment to my post?)
Oh, yes. The agesani version is driver version 1.1, updated 17 Aug 2007. (The version that's currently on the NI download site.)
Capture4.spy ‏9 KB

Two-meter USB secure cable; Recommended for use with Keysight's U2701A, U2702A, U2722A, U2723A, U2741A, U2751A, U2761A USB Modular Instruments. Download of Code Without Integrity Check vulnerability in ActiveX control of Inogard Co,LTD Ebiz4u ActiveX of Inogard Co,LTD( allows ATTACKER to cause a file download to Windows user's folder and execute. This issue affects: Inogard Co,LTD Ebiz4u ActiveX of Inogard Co,LTD( version and later versions on windows 7. Locate the FLEXIdDongleDriverInstaller.exe file. Type FLEXidDongleDriverInstaller/remove This starts the FLEXidDongleDriverInstaller. Select the drivers you want to uninstall, then click the Next button. When the process is complete, click Finish to close the utility. Select Start Run (or use your Windows Explorer and skip the next.

Hi MXI Master,
If there's an instrument timeout, I haven't been able to find it yet. Seems like there should be, so maybe I just haven't looked in the right place yet. As for the timeout value on the computer, I'm not sure what you mean by this - could you elaborate, and maybe tell me where to find it?
As far as SCPI mode, if it's possible to put the E4401B in something _other_ than SCPI mode, I haven't figured out how. I can't find any support in the programming manual for anything other than SCPI.
That kind of seques into my next couple points. The NI Spy output indicates that one of the commands that is being sent is '*SRE 32'.
The 'User's & Programmer's Reference' for the E4401B says (on page 206) 'Send the *SRE command (where is the sum of the decimal values of the bits you want to enable plus the decimal value of bit 6). [Bit 6 is the Request Service (RQS) Summary Bit. BP] For example, assume that you want to enable bit 7 so that whenever the operation status summary bit is set to 1, it will trigger a service request. Send the *SRE 192 (128 + 64) command.'
This statement would seem to imply that the '*SRE 32' command that is being sent by the agesani 'Initialize With Options' command is an illegal command, or at best an ineffective command. In light of that, it is interesting to me that the NI Spy output indicates that the next line , viQuery(GPIB::18::INSTR (0x246E9C8), '%s?','%ld'), is generating an 0xBFFF0015 error. In addition, I can find neither the '%s?' nor the '%ld' commands listed in the Programmer's Reference. I wonder if these could be for a firmware revision later than mine (A.01.03), or for instrument options I don't have (A4H, A4J). Alternatively, I wonder if these are simply mistakes.
The next line in the NI Spy output, Formatted viWrite(CPIB0::18::INSTR (0x0246E9C89),'INST:NSEL?',11,11), also puzzles me. The Programmer's Reference indicates that this is a supported command, to see what instrument application is currently selected. (e.g. spectrum analyzer, GSM, Bluetooth, EDGE, noise figure, etc.) However, when I try to issue this command to my instrument, by using the Instrument I/O Assistant Express VI, I get an 'Undefined header' error on the instrument's front panel. The instrument's error history shows the same 'Undefined header' error. Since my instrument only has the basic spectrum analyzer option installed, I wonder if this command is not valid? (Personally, I wouldn't write instrument firmware code this way, but who knows?) Alternatively, I wonder if this command requires a firmware revision more recent than mine. (The Programmer's Reference is silent about this possibility.)
The next line in the NI Spy output, Formatted viRead(GPIB::18::INSTR (0x0246E9C8),',4000,0), has another 0XBFFF0015 error associated with it.
Does this information shed any more light on the situation?

Agilent technologies u2741a initializing driver download for windows 7

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    I am from Jesus Osorio from Tektronix Mexico. I have seen this error messages during the last instalations and I am wonder how could I solve it?
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    Dear Jesús,
    You should check if you have on your PC or Laptop installed VISA. I recommend you this link to download it:​7fffd2826e8625729100689d3c
    To have a better oportunity in having your issue solved, please contact us in Mexico at this toll free 01 800 010 0793. As well as if you post your following messages in the Spanish Forum, we will be able to help you faster.
    Thanks for using National Instruments Forums.
    NI Applications Engineer Latin America
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    Para Soporte entra aquí

  • Apparently there is an error in the niSwitch Initialize With supplied with my PXI 2503 switch board. I know there are new version of niSwitch, but I am using an older one with file dates of 6/29/2000. The bug is that the 'IVI New Session' sub vi input terminal 'resource name' is incorrectly wired to the call library node 'option string' output terminal. The correct source for the 'resource name' input is the 'resource name' output terminl of the call library function. If you make this change the VI seems to work. Can anyone else with the old NI switch software verify this issue?

    Good morning brent2004,
    Thanks for contacting National Instruments with your issue, we'll try our best to resolve it for you as quickly and efficiently as possible.
    I have searched in our Corrective Action Database, and have verified that NI-Switch 2.0 did have an issue with the niSwitch Initialize With and the logical resource name. This is an extremely old driver that you're working with, and since the upgrade is free, I highly recommend it for your project.
    Minh Tran
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • Hello,
    I'm new to LabView and to IVI drivers, and I'm having problem connecting to a LeCroy LT344 oscilloscope.
    I have LabView 12.0, MAX 5.3 and the lctlxxxx IVI driver installed. I already configured the driver, and I can use the VISA test panel to communicate with the scope. However, when I try to run the IviScope - Acq Wfm Edge example (after choosing the IVI Logical name), it gets stucked in the IviScope block, and generates the following error:
    Error -1074135038 occurred at IviScope Initialize With
    Possible reason(s):
    Primary Error: (Hex 0xBFFA0002) File could not be opened.
    Complete call chain:
    IviScope Initialize With
    IviScope [CA] - Cont Acq Wfm Edge
    I really appreciate any help on the matter.
    Thank you,

    I think is a double Post?
    Are you trying to use the NI-Scope to control your Hardware?
    IviScope vs. niScope Hierarchy
    Ni-Scope:NI-SCOPE 3.9.4 - Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit/Server 2003 R2 32-bit/7/Vista/XP 32-bit
    Which IVI Class did you install or your hardware use?
    I found something about IVI 1.4 Class. I'm not sure if it helps
    Best Regards.
    Kais Mekacher
    AE Germany-Munich
    Kais Mekacher
    Applications Engineer
    Germany - Munich

  • Using FM 11
    Windows 7
    I'm running an ExtendScript from the FM Startup directory, by starting FM from a batch file. The Extendscript opens multiple book files (one at a time) and does a save as pdf for each one. FrameMaker terminates the script with a timeout error at random points in the script after only one or two saves. The Extendscript runs fine when I run it from the FM Scripting window. It only times out when I run it as a startup script. Is there some workaround for this? Sadly, I find no documentation about this.

    Thanks, Rick. Here is the body of the Extendscript that is in the FM Startup directory. The batch file starts FM and then this script gets kicked off.
    function main() {
    log('Starting the script.');
    var controlFile = File('G:fmToPdffmToPdf.control');
    var controlContent = null;
    if(controlFile.exists true) {
    // Open the file.'r'); // r means read only.
    // Read the file contents into a variable.
    controlContent =;
    // Close the file.
    var bookRegEx = /^book='(.*)'/;
    var targetRegEx = /^target='(.*)'/;
    var pathRegEx = /([^]+)$/;
    var lines = controlContent.split('n');
    for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
    var line = lines[i];
    if (bookRegEx.test(line) true) {
    var result = line.match(bookRegEx);
    var inBook = result[1];
    var pathComponents = pathRegEx.exec(inBook);
    var fileName = pathComponents[1].replace('book', 'pdf');
    for (i = i + 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
    line = lines[i];
    if (targetRegEx.test(line)true) {
    result = line.match(targetRegEx);
    var outBook = result[1] + fileName;
    log('Starting to generate: ' + outBook);
    fileId = openBook(inBook);
    log('Finished with: ' + outBook);
    } else {
    // close FrameMaker
    Constants.FF_CLOSE_MODIFIED = 1;
    app.Close (Constants.FF_CLOSE_MODIFIED);
    log('We're done.');
    function openBook(filename)
    var openProp = GetOpenDefaultParams();
    var retParm = new PropVals();
    var BookOpen=Open(filename,openProp,retParm);
    return BookOpen
    // save as pdf
    function saveBook(file, pdfName)
    var saveProp = GetSaveDefaultParams();
    var i = GetPropIndex(saveProp, Constants.FS_FileType);
    saveProp[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_SaveFmtPdf;
    //i = GetPropIndex (saveProp, Constants.FS_DontNotifyAPIClients)
    //saveProp[i].propVal.ival = true;
    var retParmspdf = new PropVals();
    // pdf settings
    file.PDFBookmark = true;
    file.PDFBookmarksOpenLevel = Constants.FV_PDFBookmarksOpenDefaultLevel;
    file.PDFConvertCMYKtoRGB = true;
    file.PDFDistillerAbsent = 0;
    file.PDFJobOption = 'High Quality Print';
    file.PDFSeparateFiles = false;
    file.DocIsViewOnly = 1;
    file.Save(pdfName, saveProp, retParmspdf);
    // close file
    function closeBook(filename)
    filename.Close (Constants.FF_CLOSE_MODIFIED);
    function log(message, reset)
    var logfile = File('G:fmToPdffmToPdf.log');
    var openMode = (reset undefined) ? 'a' : 'w';;
    logfile.writeln(getTimeStamp() + ' ' + message);
    function getTimeStamp(){
    var d = new Date();
    var timestamp = d.getFullYear() + '.' +
    zeroFill ((d.getMonth() + 1), 2) + '.' +
    zeroFill (d.getDate(), 2) + ' ' +
    zeroFill (d.getHours(), 2) + ':' +
    zeroFill (d.getMinutes(), 2) + ':' +
    zeroFill (d.getSeconds(), 2);
    return timestamp;
    function zeroFill( number, width )
    width -= number.toString().length;
    if ( width > 0 )
    return new Array( width + (/./.test( number ) ? 2 : 1) ).join( '0' ) + number;
    return number + '; // always return a string

  • Good day! I do not know what is wrong but my VI suddenly stops with a timeout error. I cannot find the wrong thing. Your help would be much appreciated.
    Attachments: ‏719 KB

    Good day sir! Yes, I only need one image for all of my Vision Assistant's analysis. All of my Vision Assistant has an Extract Single Color Plane VI. After executing the first Vision Assistant, the image produced by the lone Vision Acquisition I left is already extracted to its Single Color Plane. This brings error to my remaining Vision Assistant VI for they cannot extract the image to its single color plane anymore because the image is already converted. Why does this happen? I assured that the Vision Assistants are connected in parallel to the Vision Acquisition, meaning every Vision Assistant is connected to the output of the Vision Acquisition.
    Thank you for the tip on using Flat Sequence Structure in my VI. It works and doesn't display any timeout error.
    I have an another issue. I put a Play Sound File VI. I am sure that I have put the right path but it displays Error 4805 occurred at Play Sound that it cannot find the sound file. I tried to do this in a new VI without any while loop or case structure and it works.
    Also, can you give me a tip what to use to display a certain image file if for example I typed 'a', and another certain image file if I typed 'b'.
    So far, the most important part of my system, the image acquisition is resolved. I owe this to you. Thank you, sir!
    I attached a screenshot of the Play Sound File error.
    PlaySoundFileError.JPG ‏116 KB

  • hi
    i am getting eabo timeout error after i use ibrdf
    in particular i am writing a jpeg file (from instrument screen capture)
    a file is written (over 100k) but i guess it is corrupt because it cannot be opened (actually one program irfan view in windows can open it, it must be doing something special), i suspect the file is not closed properly with the timeout error? ibrdf is supposed to close the file.. im confused
    i played around with timeout settings but without any luck
    any help appreciated, thx

    Hi Daniel Kh,
    Set the EOS character by looking at this KnowledgeBase
    The EOS character for your device is a line feed character 'lf'.
    Though your device seems to send out both LF and EOI. I'm not sure why the EOI is not terminating the read. (perhaps a bad cable?) Either way, see if the setting of the EOS works. As for the ibdev configuration, take a look at:
    Tells you what the parameters should be.
    I found the termination by looking at the programming manual for your device under the section named 'Terminating'.
    Hope this helps!
    Chris T.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • I have downloaded the drivers for the Agilent ESA series Spectrum Analyzers from NI and I am having trouble just running the initialization VI.
    I am currently trying to run the VI called: agesa initialize With on Labview 7.0 Express
    This is the error I receive:
    agesa Initialize With Options.viDriver Status: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Primary Error: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.
    It looks like the Spectrum Analyzer does do a few things (Changes Carrier Frequency to 50 MHz), but it's getting hung up somewhere else.
    If I highlight execution, the error comes out of the Call Library Function Node elaboration output in the aforementioned VI.
    Here are the settings of the VI I have:
    id query: true
    reset device: false
    Option string: Simulate=0,RangCheck=1,QueryInstrStats=2,Cache=1 (The default)
    Resource Name: GPIB0::16:INSTR
    Any help anyone could provide would be appreciated. Keep in mind, I am fairly new at this. Thanks.
    From NI Spy (Numbers 20 and 22 with the '>' are the error lines):
    Note: This post can only be 5000 characters, so I have deleted a few of the steps:
    7. viWrite (0x001D6008, '*IDN?', 5, NULL)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.822 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    8. viRead (0x001D6008, 'Agilent Technologies,...', 511, 50)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.822 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    9. viWrite (0x001D6008, 'YSTPT?', 10, NULL)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.822 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    10. viRead (0x001D6008, '226'.', 512, 6)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.822 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    11. viPrintf (0x001D6008, '%s?')
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    12. Formatted viWrite (0x001D6008, '*IDN?', 5, 5)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    13. viRead (0x001D6008, 'Agilent Technologies,...', 512, 50)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    14. viPrintf (0x001D6008, '*CLS;*ESE 1;*SRE 32')
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    15. Formatted viWrite (0x001D6008, '*CLS;*ESE 1;*SRE 32', 19, 19)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    16. viPrintf (0x001D6008, ':CALC:LLIN:CMOD FIX')
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    17. Formatted viWrite (0x001D6008, ':CALC:LLIN:CMOD FIX', 19, 19)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    18. viPrintf (0x001D6008, ':CALC:MARK:FCO:RES:AUTO %s')
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.010
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    19. Formatted viWrite (0x001D6008, ':CALC:MARK:FCO:RES:AU...', 26, 26)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.010
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    > 20. viQueryf (0x001D6008, '%s?', '%hd')
    > Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    > Start Time: 09:10:37.842 Call Duration: 00:00:17.085
    > Status: 0xBFFF0015 (VI_ERROR_TMO)
    21. Formatted viWrite (0x001D6008, ':BAND:RES:AUTO?', 15, 15)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.842 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    > 22. Formatted viRead (0x001D6008, ', 4000, 0)
    > Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    > Start Time: 09:10:37.842 Call Duration: 00:00:17.085
    > Status: 0xBFFF0015 (VI_ERROR_TMO)
    23. viClose (0x001EC548)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:54.927 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    24. viStatusDesc (0x00000000, 0xBFFF0015, 'Timeout expired before oper...')
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:54.927 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)

    Well, I don't seem to have that option on the E4448A, here's what i do have:
    System -> Config I/O ->
    GPIB Address
    IP Address
    Host name
    Subnet Mask
    Gateway Address
    Under System -> Config I/O -> SCPI LAN ->
    SCPI Telnet
    SCPI Socket
    SICL Server
    None of the above stuff seems applicable if I am only using GPIB?? I tried modifying some of the options above, didn't seem to help.
    Here's some more information in the Error History on the Spectrum Analyzer:
    -420, Query UNTERMINATED, <Err>
    -113, Undefined header, :BAND:<Err>RES:AUTO?
    The above looks like #21, and the error, #22, is right after it. Any idea what that means?
    I'm going to try it on another computer... More to come!

  • Hi
    We are using Business Objects XI 3.0 with Integration Kit for SAP
    Solutions on Windows 2003 Server with Weblogic 10.0 server.we have
    created a report (13 parameters) using Crystal Reports 2008 and
    deployed on the BOE.Crystal Reports are created using opensql driver
    and using tables.The prompts/parameters are created using Business
    views.After deploying the report under the database configuration under
    When viewing report the option selected is 'Use SSO context for
    database logon'.
    Later an iview is created on SAP Portal pointing to Crystal Report
    using Business Objects iview template.The SSO is working fine and we
    are able to select the parameters and when clicked ok we get an
    error.we have pasted the error below when we try to view source :

    Ljava.lang.Object;(Unknown Source)

    1)How do I assign my user ID to the organisational unit? Please advise me step by step as I am new to SRMu2026
    2) Regarding error u201CThe following error text was processed in the system SR3 : Attribute for user USER18 contains errors. Inform system admin.
    The error occurred on the application server eccserver1_SR3_01 and in the work process 0 . u201C
    Using transaction SM21, I have discovered multiple errors for SAP instance eccserver1_SR3_01 like BBP_PU 245 transaction canceled, HTTP/RFC session has been deleted following timeout...
    3) How do I run report BBP_CHECK_CONSISTENCY? With transaction SE38? What do I choose next from the options available?
    This is too technical for me right now..maybe not in the future, but at this moment, I need more guidance...
    Thank you,

  • Hi Friends,
    We have changed Public and Private IP of our SAP Router same has been updated to SAP and SAP replied and they have also updated there records.
    When I am doing telent saprouter 3299 i am getting timeout error as below.
    ┘NI_RTERR& ┴*ERR*1connection timed out-5NI (network interface)70038nirout.cpp544
    1RTPENDLIST::timeoutPend: CONNECTED timeoutMon Mar 03 13:49:22 201419SAProuter 3
    8.10 on 'saprouter'*ERR*
    Connection to host lost.
    Even when i am doing telnet from SAPRouter machine same error is coming.
    Note: SAPRouter service is started and no errors in dev_rout
    Our network team is saying port 3299 is already open on firewall, They also done nating.
    Kindly help us to solve this issue, why this timeout error is coming when we are doing telent to port 3299
    telnet is going but within 5 seconds timeout error is coming and connection is lost.
    We have also maintained new IP in OSS1 and generated SAPOSS rfc but rfc is getting fail with Error
    Error Details ERROR: The connection to the specified message server (/H/

    Hi Basis,
    This is fine.I request you to please read below very carefully,hopefully you'll get solution from this
    timeoutPend: no route received within 5s (CONNECTED)
    You are connected but not does not send route quickly.Here your TCP/IP connection setup was successful.
    Route sent too late
    The connection setup (connect) was successful but the client sends the route to the SAProuter too late, or the client assumes that it is already connected to the server and is waiting for data, or the timeout -W is exceeded.
    The log file contains the following entries:
    Thu Jun 14 12:27:27 2007 CONNECT FROM C11/- host (
    Thu Jun 14 12:27:32 2007 CONNECT ERR C11/- no route received within 5s
    Thu Jun 14 12:27:32 2007 DISCONNECT C11/- host (
    The client issues the error message below.
    SAProuter Error Message
    *********************************************************************** * LOCATION SAProuter 39.1 (SP3) on 'host1' * ERROR connection timed out * * TIME Thu Jun 14 12:27:32 2007 * RELEASE 710 * COMPONENT NI (network interface) * VERSION 39 * RC -5 * MODULE nirout.cpp * LINE 6519 * DETAIL RTPENDLIST::timeoutPend: no route received within 5s * (CONNECTED) * COUNTER 5 ***********************************************************************
    Background and Further Analysis
    This error can occur if the client does not send the route quickly enough after the TCP/IP connect to the SAProuter. This might be caused by the client hanging temporarily.
    Please follow Other Errors - SAProuter - SAP Library
    TCP/IP connect takes too long (longer than the timeout -W value)
    The log file contains the following entries:
    Thu Jun 14 13:22:01 2007 CONNECT FROM C10/- host (
    Thu Jun 14 13:22:01 2007 CONNECT TO S10/18 host (
    Thu Jun 14 13:22:06 2007 CONNECT ERR S10/18 could not establish connection within 5s
    Thu Jun 14 13:22:06 2007 DISCONNECT S10/18 host (
    The client issues the error message below.
    SAProuter Error Message
    *********************************************************************** * LOCATION SAProuter 39.1 (SP3) on 'ld8060' * ERROR connection to timed out * * TIME Thu Jun 14 13:22:06 2007 * RELEASE 710 * COMPONENT NI (network interface) * VERSION 39 * RC -5 * MODULE nirout.cpp * LINE 6548 * DETAIL RTPENDLIST::timeoutPend: could not establish connection within * 5s (ROUTED) * COUNTER 6 ***********************************************************************
    Background and Further Analysis
    In this example, the TCP/IP connection from the SAProuter to the next node (the next SAProuter, a system, or another network component) could not be established within a specified timeout period. This error can occur if the server host is down or the IP address of the host cannot be reached.
    It can also be due to the network failing to establish the TCP/IP connection within 5 seconds (the timeout value defined in option -W). You might be able to solve this problem by using a greater value for option -W.
    For more information, see: Expert Options in SAProuter Options.

  • Hello All,
    Post Pre prod refresh, our timestamp for the datasource 0FI_GL_10 got reset. Due to which our deltas did not bring any records to the BW system.
    First we did an Initialize without data transfer for all the BW related datasources. The deltas were then set properly for all datasources except 0FI_GL_10.
    We then raised a message to SAP and they suggested to run the 'Initialize with data transfer' for 0FI_GL_10 so that the timestamp is set and accordingly the deltas are fixed.
    The issue now is we are getting the following error message while running INIT with data transfer.
    Job terminated in source system --> Request set to red
    Message no. RSM078
    We have copied the data till July 1st week of 2011.
    Please advice. The issue is very critical.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Arvind
    Thanks for your inputs.
    Please find below the details of the short dump.
    Runtime Errors DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR
    Exception CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB
    Date and Time 09/07/2011 11:25:32
    Short text
    SQL error in the database when accessing a table.
    What can you do?
    Note which actions and input led to the error.
    For further help in handling the problem, contact your SAP administrator
    You can use the ABAP dump analysis transaction ST22 to view and manage
    termination messages, in particular for long term reference.
    How to correct the error
    Database error text........: 'ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128
    in tablespace PSAPTEMP'
    Internal call code.........: '[RSQL/FTCH/FAGLFLEXT ]'
    Please check the entries in the system log (Transaction SM21).
    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
    find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
    If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
    Information on where terminated
    Termination occurred in the ABAP program 'GP_GLX_FAGLFLEXT' - in
    The main program was 'SBIE0001 '.
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 903
    of the (Include) program 'GP_GLX_FAGLFLEXT'.
    The program 'GP_GLX_FAGLFLEXT' was started as a background job.
    Job Name....... 'BIREQU_4N3PZQ12IA0X0PYGEA85IG39S'
    Job Initiator.. 'BIWREMOTE'
    Job Number..... 11203300
    The termination is caused because exception 'CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB' occurred in
    procedure 'FETCH_TO_ISTRUCTURE' '(FORM)', but it was neither handled locally
    nor declared
    in the RAISING clause of its signature.
    The procedure is in program 'GP_GLX_FAGLFLEXT '; its source code begins in line
    840 of the (Include program 'GP_GLX_FAGLFLEXT '.

  • Hi all,
    While initializing NI PXI-4130 power source I got the error 'Error -1073807343 occurred at niDCPower Initialize With'.
    The routine is in a sub VI already working since two years.
    No problem accessing the supply with NI-DCPower Soft Front Panel.
    I have the problem since Thursday after installing some LabVIEW updates (don't remember which ones, just all the available).
    Is this problem known?
    Can anybody help me?

    Dear vigna,
    I would please you to check the advices in this KB:​6461E86256F3B00461E1B?OpenDocument
    When the Error still occurs please let me know.
    Kind Regards,
    Oleg Scherling, M.Eng | Applications Engineering | National Instruments | NIG |

  • Hi Experts,
    Version: Oracle apps
    Issue: Planning Data Pull process failed with timeout error
    message in the log file as follows,
    The Request id : 90018907 has Phase : COMPLETE and Status: ERROR
    Concurrent Message : Timeout error.
    There is an Unknown error in the Worker.
    Planning Data Pull process failed.
    Please advice what could be the problem. I submitted, standard data collection programs with 900 mins and 8 workers.
    Refresh Collection Snapshot completed without any issue

    Please see these docs.
    Data Collection Fails Because Of Time Out Timeout error [ID 339968.1]
    OPM-ASCP: Data Collection Timeout Error [ID 601539.1]
    Data Collections is Failing - All Errors - First Diagnostic Steps [ID 207644.1]
    Troubleshooting Errors with ATP/Planning Data Collections [ID 1227255.1]

  • Hi all,
    If a browser (for example, Internet Explorer) do not get any response from a server for more than sometime (in case of IE, default is 5 min), it will stop waiting and return some timeout error message.
    But I have a servlet, which has a really long-time(at least 10 min) job to do before it could send a response to the browser. So, before the browser in client can get the result, it stops waiting.
    I know I can change the time-out setting of browser in client machines, but there are hundred of thousands.
    So, what I am asking is if it is possible to do it with servlet in server, and how?
    (for example, send something to the client every few minutes, but I do not know how to do it .)
    thanks a lot!

    What you would have to do is set up some sort of 'Buffer' servlet.
    It starts the job in the background, and then returns a page saying job started - client does not time out.
    You would have to start it in a seperate process - probably a new Thread.
    The client would then have to send back requests asking - is it finished yet?
    While the job is not finished the buffer servlet returns a 'not yet' message.
    On completion, the job can be sent back to the client.
    Couple of pointers:
    It may be easier to have the background process generate the result to file - then your buffer servlet can just pick up the file when it is completed.
    To get your page to refresh multiple times, you can use javascript: window.setTimeout('[reload page]');
    Good luck,

  • Hi Everyone,
    My first post here, hope you guys can help me out. I have some predeifned conditions on a UDT universe which does not parse but works fine. However, In IDT i am making the same but unable. As I have seen so far with the .UNX universe any predefined conditions which does not parse on IDT does not work on the report as well unlike UNV universe. So here is my issue:
    This does not parse on .UNV but works fine on the report:
    convert(varchar, Vw_Ln_Umb.rim_no) = @Prompt('Customer No:','A','Limit DetailsCustomer No.',Mono,Free,Not_Persistent,{'ALL',}) OR 'ALL' =
    @variable('Customer No:')
    I have corrected the mistake of the 7th parameter which is the default value as follows:
    convert(varchar, Vw_Ln_Umb.rim_no) = @Prompt('Customer No:','A','Limit DetailsCustomer No.',Mono,Free,Not_Persistent,{'ALL'})
    OR 'ALL' = @variable('Customer No:')
    and i get the following error : Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'OR'.
    When I remove the 'OR 'ALL' = @variable('Customer No:')'
    I get the error: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
    So i have to correct the filter condition as
    convert(varchar, Vw_Ln_Umb.rim_no) = @Prompt('Customer No:','A','Limit DetailsCustomer No.',Mono,Free,Not_Persistent)
    but this does not allow me to have ALL as the default value which inturn acts as an optional prompt at report level.
    Kindly help me either fix this or create pre-defined conditions with optional prompts.

    Hi mahee,
    Apply this filter condition
    if you want to select single value in report use 'Mono'
    Vw_Ln_Umb.rim_no = @Prompt('Customer No:','N','Limit DetailsCustomer No.',Mono,Free,Not_Persistent)
    if you want to select multiple value in report use 'Multi'
    Vw_Ln_Umb.rim_no IN @Prompt('Customer No:','N','Limit DetailsCustomer No.',Multi,Free,Not_Persistent)
    Remove extra comma in your filter condition.

Agilent Technologies U2741a Initializing Driver Download For Windows 32-bit


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Agilent Technologies U2741a Initializing Driver Download For Windows 10 Pro

  • Dear Friends,
    I am from Jesus Osorio from Tektronix Mexico. I have seen this error messages during the last instalations and I am wonder how could I solve it?
    tek_tkdpo4k initialize with options vi driver (hex 0xbfff0011) primary error (hex 0xbfff0011) insuff...
    I am using DPO4000 series, laptop with SE for Tektronix Edition and a USB cable. What should I do to solve this problem?
    Jesus Osorio
    Jesus V. Osorio Lopez

    Dear Jesús,
    You should check if you have on your PC or Laptop installed VISA. I recommend you this link to download it:​7fffd2826e8625729100689d3c
    To have a better oportunity in having your issue solved, please contact us in Mexico at this toll free 01 800 010 0793. As well as if you post your following messages in the Spanish Forum, we will be able to help you faster.
    Thanks for using National Instruments Forums.
    NI Applications Engineer Latin America
    NI Applications Engineer Latin America
    Para Soporte entra aquí

  • Apparently there is an error in the niSwitch Initialize With supplied with my PXI 2503 switch board. I know there are new version of niSwitch, but I am using an older one with file dates of 6/29/2000. The bug is that the 'IVI New Session' sub vi input terminal 'resource name' is incorrectly wired to the call library node 'option string' output terminal. The correct source for the 'resource name' input is the 'resource name' output terminl of the call library function. If you make this change the VI seems to work. Can anyone else with the old NI switch software verify this issue?

    Good morning brent2004,
    Thanks for contacting National Instruments with your issue, we'll try our best to resolve it for you as quickly and efficiently as possible.
    I have searched in our Corrective Action Database, and have verified that NI-Switch 2.0 did have an issue with the niSwitch Initialize With and the logical resource name. This is an extremely old driver that you're working with, and since the upgrade is free, I highly recommend it for your project.
    Minh Tran
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • Hello,
    I'm new to LabView and to IVI drivers, and I'm having problem connecting to a LeCroy LT344 oscilloscope.
    I have LabView 12.0, MAX 5.3 and the lctlxxxx IVI driver installed. I already configured the driver, and I can use the VISA test panel to communicate with the scope. However, when I try to run the IviScope - Acq Wfm Edge example (after choosing the IVI Logical name), it gets stucked in the IviScope block, and generates the following error:
    Error -1074135038 occurred at IviScope Initialize With
    Possible reason(s):
    Primary Error: (Hex 0xBFFA0002) File could not be opened.
    Complete call chain:
    IviScope Initialize With
    IviScope [CA] - Cont Acq Wfm Edge
    I really appreciate any help on the matter.
    Thank you,

    I think is a double Post?
    Are you trying to use the NI-Scope to control your Hardware?
    IviScope vs. niScope Hierarchy
    Ni-Scope:NI-SCOPE 3.9.4 - Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit/Server 2003 R2 32-bit/7/Vista/XP 32-bit
    Which IVI Class did you install or your hardware use?
    I found something about IVI 1.4 Class. I'm not sure if it helps
    Best Regards.
    Kais Mekacher
    AE Germany-Munich
    Kais Mekacher
    Applications Engineer
    Germany - Munich

  • Using FM 11
    Windows 7
    I'm running an ExtendScript from the FM Startup directory, by starting FM from a batch file. The Extendscript opens multiple book files (one at a time) and does a save as pdf for each one. FrameMaker terminates the script with a timeout error at random points in the script after only one or two saves. The Extendscript runs fine when I run it from the FM Scripting window. It only times out when I run it as a startup script. Is there some workaround for this? Sadly, I find no documentation about this.

    Thanks, Rick. Here is the body of the Extendscript that is in the FM Startup directory. The batch file starts FM and then this script gets kicked off.
    function main() {
    log('Starting the script.');
    var controlFile = File('G:fmToPdffmToPdf.control');
    var controlContent = null;
    if(controlFile.exists true) {
    // Open the file.'r'); // r means read only.
    // Read the file contents into a variable.
    controlContent =;
    // Close the file.
    var bookRegEx = /^book='(.*)'/;
    var targetRegEx = /^target='(.*)'/;
    var pathRegEx = /([^]+)$/;
    var lines = controlContent.split('n');
    for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
    var line = lines[i];
    if (bookRegEx.test(line) true) {
    var result = line.match(bookRegEx);
    var inBook = result[1];
    var pathComponents = pathRegEx.exec(inBook);
    var fileName = pathComponents[1].replace('book', 'pdf');
    for (i = i + 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
    line = lines[i];
    if (targetRegEx.test(line)true) {
    result = line.match(targetRegEx);
    var outBook = result[1] + fileName;
    log('Starting to generate: ' + outBook);
    fileId = openBook(inBook);
    log('Finished with: ' + outBook);
    } else {
    // close FrameMaker
    Constants.FF_CLOSE_MODIFIED = 1;
    app.Close (Constants.FF_CLOSE_MODIFIED);
    log('We're done.');
    function openBook(filename)
    var openProp = GetOpenDefaultParams();
    var retParm = new PropVals();
    var BookOpen=Open(filename,openProp,retParm);
    return BookOpen
    // save as pdf
    function saveBook(file, pdfName)
    var saveProp = GetSaveDefaultParams();
    var i = GetPropIndex(saveProp, Constants.FS_FileType);
    saveProp[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_SaveFmtPdf;
    //i = GetPropIndex (saveProp, Constants.FS_DontNotifyAPIClients)
    //saveProp[i].propVal.ival = true;
    var retParmspdf = new PropVals();
    // pdf settings
    file.PDFBookmark = true;
    file.PDFBookmarksOpenLevel = Constants.FV_PDFBookmarksOpenDefaultLevel;
    file.PDFConvertCMYKtoRGB = true;
    file.PDFDistillerAbsent = 0;
    file.PDFJobOption = 'High Quality Print';
    file.PDFSeparateFiles = false;
    file.DocIsViewOnly = 1;
    file.Save(pdfName, saveProp, retParmspdf);
    // close file
    function closeBook(filename)
    filename.Close (Constants.FF_CLOSE_MODIFIED);
    function log(message, reset)
    var logfile = File('G:fmToPdffmToPdf.log');
    var openMode = (reset undefined) ? 'a' : 'w';;
    logfile.writeln(getTimeStamp() + ' ' + message);
    function getTimeStamp(){
    var d = new Date();
    var timestamp = d.getFullYear() + '.' +
    zeroFill ((d.getMonth() + 1), 2) + '.' +
    zeroFill (d.getDate(), 2) + ' ' +
    zeroFill (d.getHours(), 2) + ':' +
    zeroFill (d.getMinutes(), 2) + ':' +
    zeroFill (d.getSeconds(), 2);
    return timestamp;
    function zeroFill( number, width )
    width -= number.toString().length;
    if ( width > 0 )
    return new Array( width + (/./.test( number ) ? 2 : 1) ).join( '0' ) + number;
    return number + '; // always return a string

  • Good day! I do not know what is wrong but my VI suddenly stops with a timeout error. I cannot find the wrong thing. Your help would be much appreciated.
    Attachments: ‏719 KB

    Good day sir! Yes, I only need one image for all of my Vision Assistant's analysis. All of my Vision Assistant has an Extract Single Color Plane VI. After executing the first Vision Assistant, the image produced by the lone Vision Acquisition I left is already extracted to its Single Color Plane. This brings error to my remaining Vision Assistant VI for they cannot extract the image to its single color plane anymore because the image is already converted. Why does this happen? I assured that the Vision Assistants are connected in parallel to the Vision Acquisition, meaning every Vision Assistant is connected to the output of the Vision Acquisition.
    Thank you for the tip on using Flat Sequence Structure in my VI. It works and doesn't display any timeout error.
    I have an another issue. I put a Play Sound File VI. I am sure that I have put the right path but it displays Error 4805 occurred at Play Sound that it cannot find the sound file. I tried to do this in a new VI without any while loop or case structure and it works.
    Also, can you give me a tip what to use to display a certain image file if for example I typed 'a', and another certain image file if I typed 'b'.
    So far, the most important part of my system, the image acquisition is resolved. I owe this to you. Thank you, sir!
    I attached a screenshot of the Play Sound File error.
    PlaySoundFileError.JPG ‏116 KB

  • hi
    i am getting eabo timeout error after i use ibrdf
    in particular i am writing a jpeg file (from instrument screen capture)
    a file is written (over 100k) but i guess it is corrupt because it cannot be opened (actually one program irfan view in windows can open it, it must be doing something special), i suspect the file is not closed properly with the timeout error? ibrdf is supposed to close the file.. im confused
    i played around with timeout settings but without any luck
    any help appreciated, thx

    Hi Daniel Kh,
    Set the EOS character by looking at this KnowledgeBase
    The EOS character for your device is a line feed character 'lf'.
    Though your device seems to send out both LF and EOI. I'm not sure why the EOI is not terminating the read. (perhaps a bad cable?) Either way, see if the setting of the EOS works. As for the ibdev configuration, take a look at:
    Tells you what the parameters should be.
    I found the termination by looking at the programming manual for your device under the section named 'Terminating'.
    Hope this helps!
    Chris T.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • I have downloaded the drivers for the Agilent ESA series Spectrum Analyzers from NI and I am having trouble just running the initialization VI.
    I am currently trying to run the VI called: agesa initialize With on Labview 7.0 Express
    This is the error I receive:
    agesa Initialize With Options.viDriver Status: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Primary Error: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.
    It looks like the Spectrum Analyzer does do a few things (Changes Carrier Frequency to 50 MHz), but it's getting hung up somewhere else.
    If I highlight execution, the error comes out of the Call Library Function Node elaboration output in the aforementioned VI.
    Here are the settings of the VI I have:
    id query: true
    reset device: false
    Option string: Simulate=0,RangCheck=1,QueryInstrStats=2,Cache=1 (The default)
    Resource Name: GPIB0::16:INSTR
    Any help anyone could provide would be appreciated. Keep in mind, I am fairly new at this. Thanks.
    From NI Spy (Numbers 20 and 22 with the '>' are the error lines):
    Note: This post can only be 5000 characters, so I have deleted a few of the steps:
    7. viWrite (0x001D6008, '*IDN?', 5, NULL)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.822 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    8. viRead (0x001D6008, 'Agilent Technologies,...', 511, 50)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.822 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    9. viWrite (0x001D6008, 'YSTPT?', 10, NULL)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.822 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    10. viRead (0x001D6008, '226'.', 512, 6)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.822 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    11. viPrintf (0x001D6008, '%s?')
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    12. Formatted viWrite (0x001D6008, '*IDN?', 5, 5)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    13. viRead (0x001D6008, 'Agilent Technologies,...', 512, 50)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    14. viPrintf (0x001D6008, '*CLS;*ESE 1;*SRE 32')
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    15. Formatted viWrite (0x001D6008, '*CLS;*ESE 1;*SRE 32', 19, 19)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    16. viPrintf (0x001D6008, ':CALC:LLIN:CMOD FIX')
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    17. Formatted viWrite (0x001D6008, ':CALC:LLIN:CMOD FIX', 19, 19)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    18. viPrintf (0x001D6008, ':CALC:MARK:FCO:RES:AUTO %s')
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.010
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    19. Formatted viWrite (0x001D6008, ':CALC:MARK:FCO:RES:AU...', 26, 26)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.832 Call Duration: 00:00:00.010
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    > 20. viQueryf (0x001D6008, '%s?', '%hd')
    > Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    > Start Time: 09:10:37.842 Call Duration: 00:00:17.085
    > Status: 0xBFFF0015 (VI_ERROR_TMO)
    21. Formatted viWrite (0x001D6008, ':BAND:RES:AUTO?', 15, 15)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:37.842 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    > 22. Formatted viRead (0x001D6008, ', 4000, 0)
    > Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    > Start Time: 09:10:37.842 Call Duration: 00:00:17.085
    > Status: 0xBFFF0015 (VI_ERROR_TMO)
    23. viClose (0x001EC548)
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:54.927 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)
    24. viStatusDesc (0x00000000, 0xBFFF0015, 'Timeout expired before oper...')
    Process ID: 0x00000388 Thread ID: 0x00000728
    Start Time: 09:10:54.927 Call Duration: 00:00:00.000
    Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS)

    Well, I don't seem to have that option on the E4448A, here's what i do have:
    System -> Config I/O ->
    GPIB Address
    IP Address
    Host name
    Subnet Mask
    Gateway Address
    Under System -> Config I/O -> SCPI LAN ->
    SCPI Telnet
    SCPI Socket
    SICL Server
    None of the above stuff seems applicable if I am only using GPIB?? I tried modifying some of the options above, didn't seem to help.
    Here's some more information in the Error History on the Spectrum Analyzer:
    -420, Query UNTERMINATED, <Err>
    -113, Undefined header, :BAND:<Err>RES:AUTO?
    The above looks like #21, and the error, #22, is right after it. Any idea what that means?
    I'm going to try it on another computer... More to come!

  • Hi
    We are using Business Objects XI 3.0 with Integration Kit for SAP
    Solutions on Windows 2003 Server with Weblogic 10.0 server.we have
    created a report (13 parameters) using Crystal Reports 2008 and
    deployed on the BOE.Crystal Reports are created using opensql driver
    and using tables.The prompts/parameters are created using Business
    views.After deploying the report under the database configuration under
    When viewing report the option selected is 'Use SSO context for
    database logon'.
    Later an iview is created on SAP Portal pointing to Crystal Report
    using Business Objects iview template.The SSO is working fine and we
    are able to select the parameters and when clicked ok we get an
    error.we have pasted the error below when we try to view source :

    Ljava.lang.Object;(Unknown Source)

    1)How do I assign my user ID to the organisational unit? Please advise me step by step as I am new to SRMu2026
    2) Regarding error u201CThe following error text was processed in the system SR3 : Attribute for user USER18 contains errors. Inform system admin.
    The error occurred on the application server eccserver1_SR3_01 and in the work process 0 . u201C
    Using transaction SM21, I have discovered multiple errors for SAP instance eccserver1_SR3_01 like BBP_PU 245 transaction canceled, HTTP/RFC session has been deleted following timeout...
    3) How do I run report BBP_CHECK_CONSISTENCY? With transaction SE38? What do I choose next from the options available?
    This is too technical for me right now..maybe not in the future, but at this moment, I need more guidance...
    Thank you,

  • Hi Friends,
    We have changed Public and Private IP of our SAP Router same has been updated to SAP and SAP replied and they have also updated there records.
    When I am doing telent saprouter 3299 i am getting timeout error as below.
    ┘NI_RTERR& ┴*ERR*1connection timed out-5NI (network interface)70038nirout.cpp544
    1RTPENDLIST::timeoutPend: CONNECTED timeoutMon Mar 03 13:49:22 201419SAProuter 3
    8.10 on 'saprouter'*ERR*
    Connection to host lost.
    Even when i am doing telnet from SAPRouter machine same error is coming.
    Note: SAPRouter service is started and no errors in dev_rout
    Our network team is saying port 3299 is already open on firewall, They also done nating.
    Kindly help us to solve this issue, why this timeout error is coming when we are doing telent to port 3299
    telnet is going but within 5 seconds timeout error is coming and connection is lost.
    We have also maintained new IP in OSS1 and generated SAPOSS rfc but rfc is getting fail with Error
    Error Details ERROR: The connection to the specified message server (/H/

    Hi Basis,
    This is fine.I request you to please read below very carefully,hopefully you'll get solution from this
    timeoutPend: no route received within 5s (CONNECTED)
    You are connected but not does not send route quickly.Here your TCP/IP connection setup was successful.
    Route sent too late
    The connection setup (connect) was successful but the client sends the route to the SAProuter too late, or the client assumes that it is already connected to the server and is waiting for data, or the timeout -W is exceeded.
    The log file contains the following entries:
    Thu Jun 14 12:27:27 2007 CONNECT FROM C11/- host (
    Thu Jun 14 12:27:32 2007 CONNECT ERR C11/- no route received within 5s
    Thu Jun 14 12:27:32 2007 DISCONNECT C11/- host (
    The client issues the error message below.
    SAProuter Error Message
    *********************************************************************** * LOCATION SAProuter 39.1 (SP3) on 'host1' * ERROR connection timed out * * TIME Thu Jun 14 12:27:32 2007 * RELEASE 710 * COMPONENT NI (network interface) * VERSION 39 * RC -5 * MODULE nirout.cpp * LINE 6519 * DETAIL RTPENDLIST::timeoutPend: no route received within 5s * (CONNECTED) * COUNTER 5 ***********************************************************************
    Background and Further Analysis
    This error can occur if the client does not send the route quickly enough after the TCP/IP connect to the SAProuter. This might be caused by the client hanging temporarily.
    Please follow Other Errors - SAProuter - SAP Library
    TCP/IP connect takes too long (longer than the timeout -W value)
    The log file contains the following entries:
    Thu Jun 14 13:22:01 2007 CONNECT FROM C10/- host (
    Thu Jun 14 13:22:01 2007 CONNECT TO S10/18 host (
    Thu Jun 14 13:22:06 2007 CONNECT ERR S10/18 could not establish connection within 5s
    Thu Jun 14 13:22:06 2007 DISCONNECT S10/18 host (
    The client issues the error message below.
    SAProuter Error Message
    *********************************************************************** * LOCATION SAProuter 39.1 (SP3) on 'ld8060' * ERROR connection to timed out * * TIME Thu Jun 14 13:22:06 2007 * RELEASE 710 * COMPONENT NI (network interface) * VERSION 39 * RC -5 * MODULE nirout.cpp * LINE 6548 * DETAIL RTPENDLIST::timeoutPend: could not establish connection within * 5s (ROUTED) * COUNTER 6 ***********************************************************************
    Background and Further Analysis
    In this example, the TCP/IP connection from the SAProuter to the next node (the next SAProuter, a system, or another network component) could not be established within a specified timeout period. This error can occur if the server host is down or the IP address of the host cannot be reached.
    It can also be due to the network failing to establish the TCP/IP connection within 5 seconds (the timeout value defined in option -W). You might be able to solve this problem by using a greater value for option -W.
    For more information, see: Expert Options in SAProuter Options.

  • Hello All,
    Post Pre prod refresh, our timestamp for the datasource 0FI_GL_10 got reset. Due to which our deltas did not bring any records to the BW system.
    First we did an Initialize without data transfer for all the BW related datasources. The deltas were then set properly for all datasources except 0FI_GL_10.
    We then raised a message to SAP and they suggested to run the 'Initialize with data transfer' for 0FI_GL_10 so that the timestamp is set and accordingly the deltas are fixed.
    The issue now is we are getting the following error message while running INIT with data transfer.
    Job terminated in source system --> Request set to red
    Message no. RSM078
    We have copied the data till July 1st week of 2011.
    Please advice. The issue is very critical.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Arvind
    Thanks for your inputs.
    Please find below the details of the short dump.
    Runtime Errors DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR
    Exception CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB
    Date and Time 09/07/2011 11:25:32
    Short text
    SQL error in the database when accessing a table.
    What can you do?
    Note which actions and input led to the error.
    For further help in handling the problem, contact your SAP administrator
    You can use the ABAP dump analysis transaction ST22 to view and manage
    termination messages, in particular for long term reference.
    How to correct the error
    Database error text........: 'ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128
    in tablespace PSAPTEMP'
    Internal call code.........: '[RSQL/FTCH/FAGLFLEXT ]'
    Please check the entries in the system log (Transaction SM21).
    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
    find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
    If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
    Information on where terminated
    Termination occurred in the ABAP program 'GP_GLX_FAGLFLEXT' - in
    The main program was 'SBIE0001 '.
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 903
    of the (Include) program 'GP_GLX_FAGLFLEXT'.
    The program 'GP_GLX_FAGLFLEXT' was started as a background job.
    Job Name....... 'BIREQU_4N3PZQ12IA0X0PYGEA85IG39S'
    Job Initiator.. 'BIWREMOTE'
    Job Number..... 11203300
    The termination is caused because exception 'CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB' occurred in
    procedure 'FETCH_TO_ISTRUCTURE' '(FORM)', but it was neither handled locally
    nor declared
    in the RAISING clause of its signature.
    The procedure is in program 'GP_GLX_FAGLFLEXT '; its source code begins in line
    840 of the (Include program 'GP_GLX_FAGLFLEXT '.

  • Hi all,
    While initializing NI PXI-4130 power source I got the error 'Error -1073807343 occurred at niDCPower Initialize With'.
    The routine is in a sub VI already working since two years.
    No problem accessing the supply with NI-DCPower Soft Front Panel.
    I have the problem since Thursday after installing some LabVIEW updates (don't remember which ones, just all the available).
    Is this problem known?
    Can anybody help me?

    Dear vigna,
    I would please you to check the advices in this KB:​6461E86256F3B00461E1B?OpenDocument
    When the Error still occurs please let me know.
    Kind Regards,
    Oleg Scherling, M.Eng | Applications Engineering | National Instruments | NIG |

  • Hi Experts,
    Version: Oracle apps
    Issue: Planning Data Pull process failed with timeout error
    message in the log file as follows,
    The Request id : 90018907 has Phase : COMPLETE and Status: ERROR
    Concurrent Message : Timeout error.
    There is an Unknown error in the Worker.
    Planning Data Pull process failed.
    Please advice what could be the problem. I submitted, standard data collection programs with 900 mins and 8 workers.
    Refresh Collection Snapshot completed without any issue

    Please see these docs.
    Data Collection Fails Because Of Time Out Timeout error [ID 339968.1]
    OPM-ASCP: Data Collection Timeout Error [ID 601539.1]
    Data Collections is Failing - All Errors - First Diagnostic Steps [ID 207644.1]
    Troubleshooting Errors with ATP/Planning Data Collections [ID 1227255.1]

  • Hi all,
    If a browser (for example, Internet Explorer) do not get any response from a server for more than sometime (in case of IE, default is 5 min), it will stop waiting and return some timeout error message.
    But I have a servlet, which has a really long-time(at least 10 min) job to do before it could send a response to the browser. So, before the browser in client can get the result, it stops waiting.
    I know I can change the time-out setting of browser in client machines, but there are hundred of thousands.
    So, what I am asking is if it is possible to do it with servlet in server, and how?
    (for example, send something to the client every few minutes, but I do not know how to do it .)
    thanks a lot!

    What you would have to do is set up some sort of 'Buffer' servlet.
    It starts the job in the background, and then returns a page saying job started - client does not time out.
    You would have to start it in a seperate process - probably a new Thread.
    The client would then have to send back requests asking - is it finished yet?
    While the job is not finished the buffer servlet returns a 'not yet' message.
    On completion, the job can be sent back to the client.
    Couple of pointers:
    It may be easier to have the background process generate the result to file - then your buffer servlet can just pick up the file when it is completed.
    To get your page to refresh multiple times, you can use javascript: window.setTimeout('[reload page]');
    Good luck,

  • Hi Everyone,
    My first post here, hope you guys can help me out. I have some predeifned conditions on a UDT universe which does not parse but works fine. However, In IDT i am making the same but unable. As I have seen so far with the .UNX universe any predefined conditions which does not parse on IDT does not work on the report as well unlike UNV universe. So here is my issue:
    This does not parse on .UNV but works fine on the report:
    convert(varchar, Vw_Ln_Umb.rim_no) = @Prompt('Customer No:','A','Limit DetailsCustomer No.',Mono,Free,Not_Persistent,{'ALL',}) OR 'ALL' =
    @variable('Customer No:')
    I have corrected the mistake of the 7th parameter which is the default value as follows:
    convert(varchar, Vw_Ln_Umb.rim_no) = @Prompt('Customer No:','A','Limit DetailsCustomer No.',Mono,Free,Not_Persistent,{'ALL'})
    OR 'ALL' = @variable('Customer No:')
    and i get the following error : Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'OR'.
    When I remove the 'OR 'ALL' = @variable('Customer No:')'
    I get the error: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
    So i have to correct the filter condition as
    convert(varchar, Vw_Ln_Umb.rim_no) = @Prompt('Customer No:','A','Limit DetailsCustomer No.',Mono,Free,Not_Persistent)
    but this does not allow me to have ALL as the default value which inturn acts as an optional prompt at report level.
    Kindly help me either fix this or create pre-defined conditions with optional prompts.

    Hi mahee,
    Apply this filter condition
    if you want to select single value in report use 'Mono'
    Vw_Ln_Umb.rim_no = @Prompt('Customer No:','N','Limit DetailsCustomer No.',Mono,Free,Not_Persistent)
    if you want to select multiple value in report use 'Multi'
    Vw_Ln_Umb.rim_no IN @Prompt('Customer No:','N','Limit DetailsCustomer No.',Multi,Free,Not_Persistent)
    Remove extra comma in your filter condition.

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